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4 New Year Greetings in Korean (한국어 설날 인사 4가지) ​

New Year Greetings in Korean

How do people in Korea greet each other on Seollal? Let’s learn some easy Korean New Year greetings!

What is Seollal, Korea’s New Year holiday?(한국의 명절, 설날이란?)

Hello. Learning Korean with Yoniiz! 

What is Seollal, Korea’s New Year holiday? It is a holiday season called Lunar New Year’s Day in Korea. Lunar New Year in Korea is one of the important holidays to celebrate the beginning of the year as it falls on January 1 of the lunar calendar.

It is a day when you gather with your family to pray for your gratitude and blessings to your ancestors and enjoy traditional rituals and food.

Shall we learn how to greet each other during the New Year’s holiday season?

안녕하세요.  요니즈와 함께하는 즐거운 한국어 배우기! 

4 New Year Greetings
4 New Year Greetings

Most Common Greerings (가장 많이 쓰는 인사말)

English: Happy New Year.

Pronunciation: Sae/hae bok ma/ni ba/deu/se/yo.

English: Hope you get rich.

Pronunciation: Bu/ja/doe/se/yo.

English: Wishing you a jackpot year.

Pronunciation: Sae/hae/en dae/bak/na/se/yo.

English: May your new year be filled with only good things.

Pronunciation: Sae/hae/neun jo/eun/il/man ga/deuk-a/se/yo.

We learned how to greet people during Korea’s New Year holiday. If you’ve got any Korean friends, give it a try—they’ll probably love it!

Click me to learn more Korean!


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